Use Restorative Justice to Create School Rules: 5 Steps to Get Started

classroom management leadership restorative justice school culture Jan 27, 2025
restorative justice


Team Effort, Team Success


When it comes to creating rules of conduct in schools, restorative justice (RJ) principles offer a fresh, meaningful way to approach the process. Instead of imposing rules from the top down, RJ emphasizes collaboration, empathy, and accountability—creating a culture where students and staff feel respected and heard.  



"We need to be compassionately ready for inevitable student misbehaviors. We need all teachers and administrators to be on the same page … We can do better.” – Jeffrey Benson, Hacking School Discipline Together


Here's How You Can Get Started

We all realize that establishing a culture of restorative justice in your school is not as easy as 5 simple steps. It takes strong leadership, open minds, teamwork, collaboration, confidence in the effectiveness of RJ, and a lot of time and effort. Still ... here are a few basic ideas to begin the transformation. 

  1. Bring everyone to the table.
    Start by including all stakeholders in the process: students, teachers, staff, and even parents. Host a school-wide meeting or smaller focus groups to discuss values and behaviors that are important to your community. By giving everyone a voice, you’re fostering buy-in from the start.
  2. Focus on values, not just rules.
    Instead of creating a laundry list of “do’s and don’ts,” start by identifying core values like respect, kindness, and responsibility. These values can guide your rules while leaving room for flexibility and growth. For example, instead of saying “no phones in class,” frame it as “respect learning time.”
  3. Co-create the rules.
    Using your shared values as a foundation, collaborate on drafting the rules. Keep the language simple and positive. This isn’t about enforcement—it’s about building a shared understanding of how everyone can contribute to a safe and supportive school environment.
  4. Build accountability through dialogue.
    When someone breaks a rule, view it as an opportunity for reflection and growth. Instead of immediately resorting to punishment, hold restorative conversations to explore what happened, who was affected, and how the harm can be repaired. This builds accountability and strengthens relationships.
  5. Revisit and refine regularly.
    Rules and norms aren’t set in stone. Schedule regular check-ins (perhaps monthly or quarterly) to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. This keeps the process dynamic and ensures that your school’s rules stay relevant and effective.


By using restorative justice principles to create and maintain your school’s rules, you’re not just managing behavior—you’re building a community rooted in respect, empathy, and shared responsibility. It’s a process that takes time, but the payoff is worth it: a school culture where everyone feels valued and empowered.


Start small, stay consistent, and watch your community transform!




Click here to learn more with Jeffrey Benson’s book Hacking School Discipline Together: 10 Ways to Create a Culture of Empathy and Responsibility Using Schoolwide Restorative Justice


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