10 Ways To Build Student Engagement, Maximize Success, And Inspire Authentic Learning
By Mike Roberts
Modern teaching is not about your ability to deploy a flashy education app or attract TikTok followers. Instead, it’s a mindset where you keep student success at the forefront of your instruction.
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- Build flexible learning supports to maximize student success
- Offer multiple ways for students to demonstrate authentic learning
- Understand where students are socially and emotionally
- Communicate in simple, authentic ways
- Deliver learning in small doses to increase engagement
- Create an engaging environment that all students will love
- Improve student performance in ways you likely never considered
Readers love Hacking Modern Teaching
All teachers know that the best PD comes from good teachers. Roberts’ new book is grounded in his own teaching experience and framed by the wisdom and good will of his reflections upon that experience. This book has hacks (teaching tips and advice) that new and experienced teachers alike can put into practice right away. It’s a timely, smart, and pleasantly readable book written by an experienced teacher who cares deeply about kids, teachers, and schools.
As teachers reflect on one of the most challenging years of their careers there will undoubtedly be a sense of relief as we look forward to a 'return to normal', a return to pre-pandemic pedagogy. However, Mike Roberts asks that you pause and reflect on some of the lessons learned, and the changes made to your teaching style during the last 18 months or so as you adapted to the needs of your schedule, your students, and the constraints placed upon you. If you've thought about making change, if you've questioned the ways of the past, or you are simply relishing the idea of trying something new with your students, there is something for you in this book.